Wood Pressed Groundnut Oil / Peanut Oil

What are Cold-Pressed Oils?

Before we discuss the cold-pressed oil benefits, it is crucial to first understand what it truly means.

Interestingly, the process of cold-pressing oils dates back to ancient India. Oil pressing machinery was discovered in the ruins of the Indus Valley Civilization. It means that our ancestors were cold-pressing oil even 5000 years ago!

Oil producers used a long, cylindrical oil-extracting apparatus, which was known as “Ghani.” Other local terms include “Chekku” and “Kolhu.”

Seeds such as sesame, coconut, olives, peanuts, sunflower, mustard, etc. were added to the mortar and pestle contraption. Thereafter, an animal perambulates around the device to apply pressure on the seeds and to extract the oil from it. Thus, the mechanical action of crushing and pressing of seeds to yield oil.

It was during the 1950s when industrialists realised that a combination of high heat and chemical solvents helped increase the volume of oil extracted from the seeds. It also introduces consistency in colour, taste, and flavour of the oil. Furthermore, industries add more chemicals to stabilise oil and increase its shelf life.

Cold-Pressed Groundnut Oil Benefits

At first glance, one of the significant cold-pressed groundnut oil benefits is apparent – it is more natural and less processed. Hence, it is naturally healthier than refined groundnut oil. Plus, it will also contain a richer and more authentic flavour.

Here are are cold-pressed groundnut oil benefits that are worth consideration:

It is Loaded With Antioxidants
Oil refining subjects the oil to extremely high temperatures. As a result, it damages all the antioxidants naturally present in groundnut oil. On the other hand, cold-pressed oils are processed at room temperature. Hence, it is loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

As a result, cold-pressed groundnut oil contains a high concentration of vitamin E, oleic acid, and other nutrients. While Vitamin E neutralises free radicals, fatty acids boost immune health. Therefore, cold-pressed groundnut oil grants several benefits.

It Promotes Heart Health

Peanut oil is free from cholesterol, which makes it a healthy fat. It contains high levels of HDL, which reduce the risk of developing heart-related conditions. Additionally, the presence of plant-based sterols in the cold-pressed, organic groundnut oil helps support heart health.

As Phytosterols are better-absorbed by the gut and the stomach, it competes with cholesterol and reduces its concentration. On the other hand, Resveratrol interacts with hormones, such as angiotensin, which controls arteries and veins. Thus, cold-pressed groundnut oil helps with the regulation of blood pressure and the resultant stress on your cardiovascular system.

It May Fight Cancer

While studies in this regard are still underway, there are a few claims that cold-pressed groundnut oil benefits cancer prevention and recovery. The presence of bioactive compounds and unsaturated fats can help fight cancer.

Moreover, there are established links between lowered risk of prostate, breast, and colon cancer and beta-sitosterol and phytosterols. These plant-based compounds contain anticancer properties that inhibit tumour growth and carcinogen production.

It Boosts Skin Health

Apart from ingesting the oil, you can also apply cold-pressed groundnut oil topically for boosting skin health. The high vitamin E content reverses skin conditions and signs of ageing. The oil creates a skin barrier that locks in moisture and prevents skin dryness.

It May Improve Insulin Sensitivity

One of the lesser-known cold-pressed groundnut oil benefits is its ability to regulate blood sugar levels. This characteristic is present due to the high concentration of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in peanut oil. Your body slows down the absorption of fat and secretes more insulin, both of which contribute to better blood sugar management.

Now that you know the many organic, cold-pressed groundnut oil benefits, you may give it serious consideration for making it a part of your diet.

Benefits of Groundnut Oil (Peanut Oil)

Groundnut oil, also known as peanut oil, is used for cooking in some parts of the world. This oil has a nutty flavour and offers various health benefits. It is loaded with monounsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants. Find out why you should start using peanut oil.

Nutritional Facts of Groundnut Oil

Peanut or groundnut oil is extracted from the seeds of the peanut plant. There are many varieties of peanut oil available in the market such as refined peanut oil, cold-pressed peanut oil, gourmet peanut oil and blended peanut oil. You can choose and pick any of these as per your requirements. This nutritious oil is loaded with the goodness of many vitamins and minerals.

Benefits of Groundnut Oil

If you have never used peanut oil before, it’s time you should because it can be very beneficial for your health. read some of the following benefits and include this miraculous oil in your daily diet:
If you are speculating whether groundnut oil is a healthy choice for diabetic patients or not, then rest assured because it is. It is really good for people with diabetes. This is because this oil contains more amounts of unsaturated fats than saturated fats, which helps in improving insulin sensitivity and thus regulating the blood sugar levels.
The Vitamin E in peanut oil helps strengthen the hair follicles and repairs the hair damage. Massaging the scalp with this hair helps prevent the occurrence of dandruff. The presence of fatty acids in this oil helps restore the damaged hair and encourage new hair growth.
Ageing is inevitable, however, with extra care, we can help in delaying the process. And peanut oil can help! Peanut oil has anti-ageing properties and is also a rich source of Vitamin E. This oil helps in reducing the visible signs of ageing such as dark spots, fine lines, wrinkles, patchy skin, pigmentation etc. You can use cold-pressed groundnut oil on your skin. A few drops can be applied directly on the face and neck.
Arthritis is a condition that occurs due to inflammation of the bones. You can use groundnut oil in cooking to keep this condition at bay because this oil is loaded with anti-inflammatory properties. Cold-pressed oil can alleviate the pain and also help reduce the associated joint inflammation. This oil can also help in strengthening the joints and keeps the joint pain at bay.
This oil is loaded with antioxidants, which makes it an ideal substitute in your daily diet for preventing various kinds of cancers. Antioxidants help in fighting the free radicals in the body by reducing oxidative stress. However, caution should be exercised while heating this oil for longer duration as oxidation may occur, which can make this oil extremely toxic for consumption.
This oil contains good cholesterol or HDL and lowers the amounts of bad cholesterol (LDL). In comparison to other oils, peanut oil does not lead to blockage of arteries and also helps in maintaining the cholesterol levels in the body. All these properties help in lowering the chances of heart diseases.
Peanut oil is great for moisturising the soft and delicate skin of the lips. Peanut oil contains Vitamin E, which helps in making the lips soft and supple and restores the natural pinkish tinge on the lips.
The anti-inflammatory properties of this oil help in reducing the chances of acne by reducing skin inflammation, shrinking pores, and reducing bacterial colonies. For best result, add a few drops of lemon juice in the oil and apply on the skin.
Peanut oil contains sufficient amount of monosaturated fats, which help in regulating the blood pressure levels in the body and keep heart ailments at bay.
The presence of linoleic acid in peanut oil helps in stimulating prostaglandin glands, which helps in dilation and contraction of blood vessels and thus improving overall blood circulation in the body.
This oil also has laxative properties. Including this oil in your daily diet, even as little as one teaspoon of oil can help in relieving the symptoms of constipation.

Switching Benefits of Cold Pressed Oils

Today there is an increasing rate of obesity, especially among young people. It has led to the awareness of how oil is extracted and manufactured. This is one reason why cold-pressed oils are getting popular in our kitchens. People are getting more and more aware of the kind of oils they use while cooking food.

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